“The Genitalia of a Gipsy Woman” – The Portrait of a Country as Seen by Melissa Ivana
Melissa Ivana: “I realized this is my creative style and it probably comes from the classic Romanian habit. Ironize everything.”
m a g a z i n e
Melissa Ivana: “I realized this is my creative style and it probably comes from the classic Romanian habit. Ironize everything.”
Hello! First things off, could you introduce us to how you first started this project? This band was my brainchild, so to speak. It all started when I played Rock Band 3 on XBOX and saw the progression of the band from our early stages until we were mega rockstars […]
LARRY Woodmann, “stage name” of an Italian manager, born in Florence and moved to Milan in 1997 where he still lives and works. He cultivates photography as a hobby during his many travels and by a lucky chance encounter with a famous model, from which comes the first “set”, he decides to dedicate to […]
Eroticism in art isn’t just about turning us on; it makes us think, and it challenges and widens our perspectives on bodies and sex. The erotic photography that DMITRY Chapala creates is sometimes hard to fathom, often appearing as if they are candid photographs of close friends rather than models, living […]
MARIANA Castro is a Portuguese photographer born in Santarém, Portugal who works in different forms of media such as analog, digital, and movies. Born in 1986 in Santarém, Mariana Castro works as a freelance photographer and even a filmmaker and has a considerable amount of success. Follow MARIANA Castro on: Facebook […]
Fashion photography has developed its own aesthetic in which the clothes and fashions are enhanced by the presence of exotic locations or accessories. OMAR Coria is a fashion photographer based in Mexico City, Mexico. He’s a fashion photographer with a degree in Graphic Design and an international master in Fashion Photography in Madrid. […]
Body image has become a topic explored by many photographers working with models whose bodies do not conform to conventional prejudices about beauty. Many contemporary artists push the boundaries by having worked with both aesthetic qualities and explicit sexuality. Brazil-based fashion photographer ANTONIO Andrade has an amazing portfolio of work. His unique […]
JUDE P. is a Paris based fashion photographer. Formerly a successful banker for movie and media clients, one day I decided to dedicate all my inspiration and time to transcend the beauty of women (and men) through the prism of fashion.Keen on sharing with new people, I’m interested in developing […]
Avant-pop musician Will Wood is an artist of the highest caliber. He defies expectations by mixing genres — show tunes, jazz, cabaret and a serious amount of rock & roll — into a truly unique and original sound. It has been said that Will appeared out of nowhere, stumbling out […]
With this EP, Zimbru sends a quite direct message to your inner not-giving-a-fuck asshole, but it also cradles you at its breast in a step-motherly manner