You know how sometimes you wake up, have your coffee, naked on the balcony, the cat is scratching your legs and you feel like wandering through the desert and Fata Morgana kicks you pleasantly in the nuts with sounds and colors from a different dimension? No? Just me?
This is how I felt listening to the Zimbru’s latest, not so new EP – Little Creatures.
I knew about these guys for quite some time. Although, when I heard them first time they went by a different name – Lights Out. Still digesting one track of theirs, called Nepal, which found its room in my “autochton” YouTube playlist. The visuals of the video, together with the haunting, soul-tearing voice of their singer are one of the reasons I still listen to Romanian music once in a while.
But that’s obviously old news. Which for me is still fresh. Looked them up trying to get to listen to the new shit, only to find out that they have changed their skin. And it’s quite awhile since they did it. They’re called Zimbru now. From a name inspired by a horror movie to an almost extinct beast (Zimbru means Aurochs in Romania – I know, right!?). And they also have some newish stuff, an album released about year ago, called Little Creatures.

I guess Zimbru fancies tragic nostalgia, which can be easily tasted in their music. Little Creatures is a part disco, part funky musical project consisting in only 4 tracks: an homonym track, Divination, Terejo and Dyo. Although eerie and chilly at first “sight” (check out Divination, which we featured on Cultartes some time ago), the album is a heartful of mixed feelings, with an optimistic, yet anxious experiment of giving life/existence the benefit of doubt. Someting like, come on, life, your are not shitty by choice, are you!?
With this EP, Zimbru sends a quite direct message to your inner not-giving-a-fuck asshole, but it also cradles you at its breast in a step-motherly manner, so at the end of the coffee, once the cat stopped scratching, you can either go inside and turn all technology off, pulsating middle fingers in the atmosphere, or go out, make selfies on the beach and posting Instagram stories.
These guys honestly deserve more attention, although I’m pretty sure they’re not actively looking for it. I mean, would you have a concert in an empty amphitheatre if you were an attention – ahem – seeker? They sure did:
Band members: Teodora Retegan, Andrei Bobiș, Oana Pop, Paul Bucovesan.
Listen to Little Creatures here. Find the band on Facebook or Insta.
Photo Credits: EP Cover