Pyramid is an American progressive metal project, a collaboration of choice virtuosos with incredibly high vocals and lyrical content. The main man of this band is Lance Sawyer and he teamed up with some of the best musicians of the metal scene like Tim Ripper Owens (ex-Judas Priest, ex-Iced Earth, among others), Andry Lagiou (The Harps), Harry Conklin “The Tyrant” (Jag Panzer) on vocals, Mike Abdow (Fates Warning) on guitars and Chris Quirarte (Redemption) on drums, Adam Bentley (Arch Echo) guitars and mixing engineer, Joey Izzo (Arch Echo) the master on the keyboards and Perrine Missemer on violin. 

With their latest album “Rage“, Pyramid taps into their prog symphonic roots to create one of the most entertaining listens. Get ready, this album is the full package for prog-metallers to indulge in and marvel at. Admired as singles as well, each track is driven by passionate riffs, catchy hooks, and brilliant songwriting that ensures surprise and intrigue at every turn. Each track is distinct and has memorable moments that will trigger glee in your brain when they pop up. 

Curious about their latest album, we’ve chatted with Lance about “Rage”, and many more.

Hi! For the start, can you briefly introduce your project and when or where it was founded? Who was involved?

I’m Lance the producer and founder of Pyramid. I put this together in 2017 with Adam Bentley and Joey Izzo from Arch Echo. Look into their work. The group has been built along a foundation of friendship and collaboration between different people. Tim Ripper Owens, Mike Abdow, Andry Lagiou, and a few others. It’s been very rewarding to do what I do. I’ve been told a lot of super groups like this couldn’t be achieved. Well, look at Pyramid now.

What would you say about your music to someone who has never heard it before?

It’s a mix of both old-school and new-age power Prog Metal.

What were the main creative challenges you had to face? How have they changed over time?

Mostly to be honest, not much. I worked systematically with each artist one by one so it was not a get it done by tomorrow approach. It just all fell into place perfectly.

Please tell us a little bit about your latest album, “Rage”. What is the message you’re trying to convey with this release?

Rage is a combination of historical events, experiences, and real-life events that are taking place today.

What are some of the lyrical motifs listeners we’ll find on “Rage”?

It’s driven and inspiring to really pay attention to the music and voices in each song to get its full meaning. I encourage everyone to do so.

When it comes to producing new music/lyrics, where do you find inspiration? In other words, what was the source of inspiration for your most recent album “Rage”?

I work from the divine intervention with mind heart and soul. All by design and it’s not that I have to it’s that I need to. Like breathing if that puts it into perspective.

Does the conception come first or does the song evolve naturally – do you have a clear idea of what it will be before you start to make it?

I come up with each structure of all bass lines. They come sometimes in dreams and or while I doing some activities. I will either hum out to my iPhone the music I’m hearing or if I’m by my studio will run right to it and never wait.

How do you know when a track is ready? Does it ever become difficult to either refine ideas or to stop perfecting?

I have a procedure I follow with each song and it’s a recipe that works for me.

What role does experimentation play in a band’s success? Do you like pushing your own musical boundaries if they exist?

This by nature is experimental if you think about its construct. It’s not like anything and it’s getting more and more attention from the music community. 

There are many descriptions of the ideal state of mind for being creative. What is it like for you?

The reason SPIRITUALITY is so important is its reality. We’re not human beings having a Spiritual Experience. We’re Spiritual beings having a HUMAN Experience. Who I AM and What I AM is not my body. It’s not even my personality, it’s not my trauma or even the tragedies I’ve been through. There’s a little SPARK of the divine that’s in me. Let me explain. There’s hard data that shows with mental health and well-being that having serenity, meaning, and purpose. The losing of one’s self to the transcending self got the divine greatly increases the quality of our LIVES.

It’s just how I live. 

Who amongst you has the oddest touring habits? We’ve heard it all, from ice bottle collections to guerilla-tactic swimming missions in a random hotel. How does Pyramid rank up?

For sure Ripper and Harry Conklin. This is at the moment not a touring band but 💯% could be in time.

What do you hope to do with your art in the future? I mean, do you have any special goals?

Continue creating. It’s why we’re here on this planet. To create make new experiences and ideas and motivations. More Pyramid is definitely to come, my friend. Thanks for your interest and support.

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