JURIJ TRESKOW is a photographer based in, hmm, between New York City, Los Angeles, Berlin, and Paris.

Born in Belarus, at the age of 17 Jurij moved to Germany. In 2008 started doing photography in Berlin. In 2009 he settled in Paris to become a professional photographer.

Treskow’s work is characterized by an intuitive sense of sexuality and attention to detail. In his mostly Black & White pictures, his favorite subject is a woman, a femme fatale – strong, confident and reckless.

“Maybe another reason I photograph women is that I am afraid (not frightened of scared) of them in a way. And photography gives me some sense of control over the situation. Those photographs can tell you more about me than the models I shoot.”


“New challenges in my career as a photographer and a visual artist bring me to travel and experience the world, live in fantastic cities, and meet extraordinary people.”


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Still can't tell exactly my origins because of my suspiciously ‘Chinese eyes’.