REAKTON is the electronic sound project dedicated entirely to the genre of Robotronic Music. Here is a short user manual for the track:

As all tracks from the album are about the little things in our world, REAKTON can’t escape the topic of atoms and the perception in the environment. With ‘atom’REAKTON looks at our surroundings in a way that everything that interacts in the world is made of atoms. When two people talk to each other, exercise, or even assimilate, in the end, it’s just clusters of atoms that are doing it together. If we look at the system in this way, then problems or other occurrences are put into perspective for those people. This new song follows the releases of the original track and remixes of “nano”. 

Unboxing REAKTON: “Listening to Reakton only in the club out on the dance floor, that’s not enough. The sound is highly nuanced; this is what you’ll be listening to in the car or when you’re once again constructing a high-tech robot and need to get your mind wrapped up in the coding.”

REAKTON takes listeners into a fascinating world of sound. Reakton is blue, elegant, and pleasant to listen to. Perfectly tuned for the hi-fi gourmet. And Reakton recommends, “you can listen to it on your high-tech speakers or even on your studio headphones, both are fine. Watching a movie repeatedly is exhausting for those spoiled with entertainment – this is one you’ll want to listen to over and over again because there’s always more to discover.”

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