Raw, free and festive, three adjectives to describe Edredon Sensible’s music. 

Edredon Sensible was formed in 2016 in Toulouse (France), from the initiative of four musicians. They gathered around their attraction for the trance phenomenon, the experimentation of the sensory limits of music, and the research of raw and hypnotic sound.

As Anne Yven (Citizen Jazz) had said very well “Behind this bizarre name of Edredon Sensible (Sensitive Quilt in English), we find ardor and belief, body and spirit. Two tireless polyrhythmic percussionists and two tenor and baritone saxophonists taking an insane pleasure in stretching out the attacks and playing them in infinite loops, invigorating lovers of elementary but disheveled jazz, focused on the trance, which takes root on every continent.” What is delicious about this group is their ability to combine a flawless seriousness in their music and a delirious artistic image.

Their 1st album “Vloute Panthère” (a pun with the foot arch, very well explained in the artwork) transcribes their primary and visceral approach to music. They play on repetition, heady and catchy rhythms. 

Watch, experience, hear them live here:

02 : Nancy Jazz Kraft – Nancy (54), France
06 : Convivencia Festival – Ramonville (31), France
10 : Jazz à Luz Festival – Luz-Saint-Sauveur (65), France
17 : Les Musicales de l’Agly – Planèzes (66), France
21 : Festival de Mourèze – Mourèze (34), France
26 : After Jazz in Marciac – Marciac (32), France
27 : Jazz focus festival – Marciac (32), France
29 : St Martin de Seignanx (40), France

07 : Bonac Plage – Bonac Irazein (09), France
08 : La Vadrouille Festival – Beaumont-sur-Lèze (31), France
14 : Ferme marine des Aresquiers – Vic la Gardiole (34), France
21 : FestoMiech – Montans (81), France
27 : Monomaniax – Monoblet (30), France

11 : Festival d’Olt – Bagnols les bains (48), France
17 : La claque festival – Prigonrieux (24), France
18 : Funky Freaky Festival – Asquins (89), France

15 : Jazz sur son 31 – Toulouse (31), France

You can see a glimpse of what to expect at their live shows below.

After about a hundred gigs in squats and alternative venues, the band starts touring in 2018 in acclaimed concert halls and festivals. In 2021, the Band is shortlisted on “Les Inouïs du printemps de Bourges” and “Jazz Migration”, two well-known and promising French programs for the development of artists’ careers. With a warm welcome from the audience during their live performance, Edredon Sensible has decided to record it in the studio, and from there, their first album was born: “Vloute Panthère”.

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Cover photo: (c) Lionel Pesqué