Uncanny Plague-Themed Photoshoot Got Us All Infested

A bunch of Romanian photographers, models and make-up artists gathered last month for a Halloween photoshoot and the results are impossible to handle. Plague-doctor leather masks, chainsaws, shovels, fire, devilish women, everything set in the dark forests of Brasov (Romania), completed the Poe-esque atmosphere that was way beyond the Halloween […]

Redefining Self-Eroticism and Female Nudity – Tabata Roja

Tabata Roja is a 23 years old self-taught photographer based in Mexico City. Her vast preoccupation in the domain determined her to experiment obsessively with analog photography (lomography in particular) and even start formal studies in chemical photography. On Her Art Process and Aestethics “I am crazy about the idea […]

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