Swedish psychedelic doom-riffers DOMKRAFT releases the blistering and surprisingly sinister title track ‘Seeds’ as the second single from their highly-anticipated third full-length “Seeds”, which is slated for release on April 30.

DOMKRAFT comment: “Every new beginning has to start somewhere, usually by abandoning the old”, tells guitarist Martin Widholm. “It’s a notion that can be sentimental and empowering at the same time, and we wanted ‘Seed’ to open that way. To keep in touch with the past, but still clearly heading for new ground. We are all big Neil Young fans, and the slower parts with the guitar leading the way are heavily influenced by the Crazy Horse records, ‘Weld and Ragged Glory’ in particular. And there is also this spacious Gilmour-esque take-off at the end of the song, as we wanted to make the music slightly more three-dimensional this time. The pummeling main riff, on the other hand, is pretty much typical Domkraft, a bare minimum of repeated notes with a front-loaded drum beat. It should feel like trying to push forwards through a field of mud in a sandstorm, and then, possibly, getting through to the other side.”

Like a phoenix, DOMKRAFT rise from the ashes of their previous apocalyptic-themed albums with third full-length “Seeds”. The latest album from the titanic Swedish psychedelic riff-doom trio focuses on the idea of emerging from the ruins to start anew, building something different and better beyond the cataclysm.

In the midst of 2020’s summer heatwave, singer and bassist Martin Wegeland, guitarist Martin Widholm and drummer Anders Dahlgren headed west towards the Baltic Sea to Welfare Sounds Studio, which is located in an old wooden house on the outskirts of Gothenburg, Sweden. There, in a great live room with borrowed air conditioning, the Swedes sweated with studio heads Kalle Lilja and Per Stålberg for three days to nail down a new epic that feels raw and alive.

With due credit to the mixing wizardry of Karl Daniel Lidén (GREENLEAF, KATATONIA, LOWRIDER), DOMKRAFT‘s trademark heft is more prominent than ever, and the ambitious lyrical themes add context to the always-massive riffs and hypnotizing flow.

DOMKRAFT has built each element of “Seeds” from a neck-bobbing pulse. Swirling songs like ‘Audiodome’, ‘Dawn of Man’ and the title track are closed circuits in which titanic instrumental hooks feed lyrical concepts, then circle back to direct the elliptical psychedelia and sky-widening vocals.

Originally, DOMKRAFT bonded over a mutual love for SPACEMEN 3, MONSTER MAGNET, SLEEP, and HAWKWIND, to name but a few. Drawing from the heaviest of their combined influences, the trio from Stockholm crafted a sound that blends towering dirges, mind-bending psychedelia, and hypnotic minimalism, which is embodied by their monolithic 2016 debut album “The End of Electricity” and 2018 follow-up “Flood”.

Following the release of their first full-length, DOMKRAFT received invitations from and performed at prestigious festivals such as the Desertfests (BE and DE), Psycho Las Vegas (US), Blow Up (FI), Sonic Whip (NL), and many others.

With “Seeds”DOMKRAFT has drawn a detailed map to a groove-driven heavy rock utopia, where humankind can evolve and unite. Better living through monolithic volume!

Release date: April 30 via Magnetic Eye Records
Pre-orders, here.

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All band photos: (c) Tobias Ohls

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