Day: March 25, 2019

Valerinne – “Desire” sau Cum ar Arăta Întunericul Luminat de Sunet

Valerinne vin cu un material serios după ceva timp, nu știu dacă e mult ori e puțin, până la urmă timpul e o chestiune absolut relativă, deci propun să luăm acest moment ca atare. Personal, urmărind în mod special activitatea lui Daș Alexandru, ca un stalker d-ăsta pasionat până peste […]

Dan Moga’s World of Fashion Photography and Storytelling

Fashion and photography have evolved hand in hand through time, it’s just a match made in heaven, whatever the photographs are realistic or not. The photographer I want to talk to you about today is Dan Moga, a Cluj-based artist and while his images reflect his artistic side, he also […]

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