Quick Guide: The “Cultflix” Extravaganza?

[:en] What? Cultartes TV is a simple YouTube-based online streaming channel, hosted by a free platform, created strictly to promote video material submitted by our readers or to-be-featured artists. People can send teasers or trailers of their new projects, short-films, music-videos, interviews, experimental or amateur videos, event videos. As long […]

Redefining Self-Eroticism and Female Nudity – Tabata Roja

Tabata Roja is a 23 years old self-taught photographer based in Mexico City. Her vast preoccupation in the domain determined her to experiment obsessively with analog photography (lomography in particular) and even start formal studies in chemical photography. On Her Art Process and Aestethics “I am crazy about the idea […]

Bogdan Imurluc: „Art is The Mirror of Our Time and Culture!”

The most enduring and, arguably, the greatest form of fine art known to man, sculpture has played a major role in the evolution of culture. We are truly happy to highlight a Bucharest-based sculptor, Bogdan Nicolae Imurluc. He started art school early at 13 years old at the Nicolae Tonitza […]

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