
Catrinel Sabaciag’s Art Challenges The Understanding of Reality

Catrinel Sabaciag is a visual artist and designer who studied product design at the University of Edinburgh and the Lund School of Design. Since graduating in 2017, she has exhibited her work at notable venues such as the National Galleries of Scotland, New Designers in London, and Piet Hein Eek […]

Bianca Petrisor Brings Out Emotion With Exclusive Series ‘Pure Waters’

Bath photography is always challenging, as there is not much space, the angles are pretty much similar at all times and there’s less light. But the self-taught Romanian photographer Bianca Petrisor brings out emotion with her exclusive black and white series called ‘Pure Waters’. The lack of color helps Bianca […]

P H O T O P H O B I A – An Unsettling Series by NGUYEN DUC

NGUYEN Duc is an enthusiastic photographer based in Moscow. His photographic art combines modern techniques with intense experiences that put the viewer in either awkward or dreamy situations. This series is somewhere between these two states. Photophobia is a symptom of abnormal intolerance to the visual perception of light. As […]

“Light” by ZIQIAN LIU: A Symbiosis Between Human Beings and Nature.

ZIQIAN LIU is an independent photographer based in Shanghai, China. All of her work is self-portrait, she wishes to give audience a small world which is calm but not flat. She wants to show woman outside the soft and delicate and inner strength. In fact, this is one of her own expectations.The […]

An Overview of Paula Gradinaru: The Photographer Playing with Light

The portfolio of emerging Cluj-based photographer Paula Gradinaru combines portraiture, still life, street and concert photography; consolidating her positions as a rising Romanian artist. Paula’s work is multifaceted and difficult to describe. She gives meditative attention to the elements of light and color, elaborating textural contrast through shadow, light and […]

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