Robert Miklos

What can I say? I love slapping keys and listening to squiggly air.

PAINT FOR THE BLIND Grace us With The Unfolding of Their Aural Narrations

Post-rock has taken many great forms since its inception. Over time it has expanded as a genre that takes in influences from an immense variety of musical spaces, with bands incorporating all sorts of elements until some have become staples while others still remained outliers. Paint for the Blind are […]

Anon Goes to ATG2022

>be me>music journalist for almost 4 years>go to ArcTanGent 2022>unbelievably hyped>apply for press pass to ATG>not even a reply over months>well aren’t you a bunch of boiled carrots>but first 8 day vacation in Zurich>change 2 planes to arrive in Zurich>physically exhausting yet rewarding time in Zurich>change another 2 planes omw […]

JAZZx ’22 Established a New Kind of Energy for the People of Timisoara

With the lofty goal of having Timisoara become the European Capital of Culture, through its humble beginnings, JAZZx (formerly known as JAZZtm) set out to bring a new kind of energy to the people of this city. Over the course of nearly a decade since its inception in 2013, JAZZx […]

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