Andrei Stan is a visual artist and musician whose imaginary world is simply brain-spinning and it can create a specific obsession the more you look at it. I found about the Romanian artist from a friend of mine, who was just as amazed as I was when I first visited his website. I soon realized Andrei’s work is such an ambitious project, both refreshingly simple and whimsically complex. Combining visual explosions of texture, color or shape, Andrei’s artworks are likely to introduce you in a melancholic atmosphere and vintage-like scenarios.

the place where we met
the concept makers
you’re more than you know

Every person on this earth has his/her own world where they create, welcome to mine.

patience and attention might be all we have
be fragile

Follow Andrei Stan’s work on: Facebook | Website

All images: (c) Andrei Stan

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Still can't tell exactly my origins because of my suspiciously ‘Chinese eyes’.