#Posted by: CVLTARTES’s Best Submissions (II)
[:en] We don’t forget our friends, and we always keep an eye on them. This is a gallery of best visual artworks published on Cultartes Magazine-Submission Group by artists we just simply adore. [:]
f u c k y o u r s t a n d a r d s
[:en] We don’t forget our friends, and we always keep an eye on them. This is a gallery of best visual artworks published on Cultartes Magazine-Submission Group by artists we just simply adore. [:]
I have more than one camera at home, let’s say that when I want to devote myself more carefully, I use a 1979 Giapponesina, a yashica fx3 super 2000, a completely mechanical camera. This speaks a lot about all those people who invest loads of money in photographic equipment without […]