
‘Fragile Beauty’: A Dreamy Photo Tale by MARGARITA Vlasova

Margarita Vlasova is a young Russian visual artist based in Samara. Well, without necessarily looking for this, I developed an almost visceral passion for the visual perspectives delivered by Russian photographers. After all, we are dealing with a culture shrouded in a kind of mystery and which has managed throughout […]

[NSFW] ‘You Wrap an Octopus’: A Striking Photo-Series by MadnessBrains

Mark Oliferov a.k.a. MadnessBrains is an artist, director, and designer based in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation. With vast experience in creating animations, editing, and other graphic solutions, he manages to create photographs that have their own special style, they are a kind of emotional and lively paintings. My goal is […]

[NSFW] ‘In Muddy Waters’. A Photo Session by KSENIA Zavodchikova

Ksenia Zavodchikova is a wedding photographer based in Krasnodar, but also she experiences different photographic forms and meanings as long as they tell a story. Melancholy is a state that can introduce you not only into boundless sadness but also into a dream state. The series we have chosen to […]

[NSFW] An Ordinary Morning: N. Rose by ZOI Windchen

ZOI Windchen is a photographer from Sankt-Petersburg, currently based in Paris. Her photos are full of elegance, and the models are enveloped in that specific charm of the great European metropolises. Somehow, you can smell that slightly pungent scent of high society. However, the artistic tone of expression, so to speak, […]

[Fashion] PUNK is the new Black: A Photo Session by EDOUARD Olszewski.

Trier-based photographer, Edouard Olszewski is always eager to share his passion for contemporary photography. His focus is on portraits, advertisement, fashion, and lifestyle photography. Contemporary photography is a difficult term to define. It does not permanently adhere as a label on anyone’s image. It is a concept that changes as […]

Despre un Spectacol Care Face Bine: Cozy Poetry Night

Mă tot gândesc la spectacolul la care tocmai am participat și realizez că n-a trecut o seară degeaba, de fapt, simt că am câștigat ceva. Recunosc că nu sunt fan în ceea ce privește poezia, dar am constatat, cu bucurie, că îmi face Bine să o ascult. Cozy Poetry Night, […]

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