
Exploring the Vibrant Tapestry of SOFABED’s New Album

Sofabed is an experimental pop music duo based in Tokyo. Their sound is vibrant and nostalgic, characterized by a natural blend of elements such as jazz, contemporary music, and dub mixes that capture the essence of their style. They showcase classic songwriting reminiscent of artists like Radiohead and Wilco, ambitious […]

>In Mito: teamLab – Digitized Kairakuen Garden

On view until 31 March, Mito City, Ibaraki: Kairakuen Garden was created at the end of the Edo Period (1842) as a garden centered around a pond and was designated as a Special Place of Scenic Beauty. It is considered to be one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan […]

>In Setouchi: ‘Falling Cherry Petals’ Exhibition by Motoi Yamamoto

March 9 – May 5, Setouchi City, Okayama: Motoi Yamamoto is a Japanese artist known for working with salt, often in the form of temporary, intricate, large-scale installations. Motoi forged a connection to the substance while mourning the death of his sister. “In 1994, my 24-year-old sister died of a […]

(Recenzie) MONO – Nowhere Now Here

Să începem într-o notă clasică, așadar, MONO revin cu material după o perioadă de 3 ani, în care activitatea lor și-a aflat scopul în aparițiile live. Vorbim, deci, despre o perioadă în care MONO a încercat să-și cultive dogmele muzicale în tot soiul de orizonturi, sărind cumva peste puntea asta […]

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