[:en]Poland has its own dark conspiracy thriller show, and it’s called The Pact (or Pakt). Released in 2015, the series has up to this date two seasons of six episodes each. Produced by HBO Europe, Pakt is actually a remake of an older series called Mammon (2014).

To be honest, the plot is nothing like True Detective, but if you’re into Scandi-suspense, and you cannot wait until the season three of the real deal, settled to be on the screens in 2019, you might want to check it out. I don’t promise you the genius of Pizzolatto and Fukunaga, but since there’s nothing else and you already re-watched the American TV jewel ten times until now…

According to IMDB, Pakt follows the story of Piotr Grodecki, a newspaper journalist, who’s “drawn into a web of lies and betrayal when he exposes evidence of a fraud in a multinational company involving his own brother”.

And just to have an idea of the similarity gravitas, have a look at the intro, created by Artur Jurzyk. Enjoy!

Photo: Artur Jurzyk

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Romanian writer based in Cyprus. Co-founder CVLTARTES. Author of "Hailbringer: A Romanian Folktale"