On February 24th, Vladimir Putin has ordered an invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces previously concentrated along the border. Sadly, the conflict put more than 7.5 million children at risk of serious physical harm, displacement, and severe emotional disruption. Thousands of families will continue to flee to Romania and neighboring countries, dramatically increasing humanitarian needs.
No matter how much we’d wish for this to be a nightmare, it’s not. But it is our responsibility to help. Children of Ukraine need your support!
On March 27th, we’ll gather in Control Club to raise as many funds as possible in a fundraising concert. Together with Munteanu and Save the Children, we invite you to join the following bands in a marathon concert: RoadkillSoda, The Amsterdams, om la lună, Ana Coman, Oigăn, Domnul Victor, and StelaLuna.
One ticket purchased = access to the event = donation to Salvati Copiii (Save the Children)
Price categories (purely symbolic):
- 70 lei – a gleam of hope
- 90 lei – a mountain of optimism
- 110 lei – a double dose of love
By partnering with Save the Children, 100% of the concert proceeds will be donated to the next campaign: https://www.salvaticopiii.ro/ce-facem/protectie/protectia-copiilor-refugiati/sprijin-pentru-ucraina.
If you can’t attend the event, or you wish to donate a lot more, you can do so via:
- SMS to 8827 with text SALVEZ, value 2 euro
- Bank account: Salvați Copiii România: RO15 RNCB 0071 0114 3479 0005 (lei)
Event Organizer:
Munteanu Events
Friends and Partners:
Alternative Culture, Animest, Bad Unicorn, Beans&Dots, Bucharest Photofest, Cartierul Creativ, Cărturești, Centrul Replika, Control Club, Crescut pe Muzică, CriticEyez, Cultura la Dubă, CVLTARTES, Delazero, Diploma, Diud, DokStation, Eventbook, Festivalul Filmului Palestinian, forumul cultural austriac, F-Sides Cineclub, Fundația Calea Victoriei, Grădina Floresca, Infomusic, IQads, J’ai Bistrot, LondoHome, Mezanin, Mr. Blade – Barber Shop, One Night Gallery, Pelicula, Printoteca, Radio Guerrilla, Romanian Design Week, Revista Atelierul, Roditor Food Market, Sneaker Industry, The Fresh, The Institute, TIFF Unlimited, unteatru, Utopia Balcanica, Vanner Collective, Weekend Sessions, Zile și Nopți
Official page of the event: Facebook
Nicolae Baldovin
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