Just Another Session in the Shower: VIKTORIA Lipatova by OMAR Coria

Above all, OMAR Coria is a fashion eater based in Mexico City, Mexico. He’s a fashion photographer with a degree in Graphic Design and an international master in Fashion Photography in Madrid. “I walked into this world as of 2013. Getting to know very talented like Javier Vallhonrat, Miguel Reveriego, […]

Seamless, Copious Oil Paintings of Ivan Alifan

Ivan Alifan Jdanov is a Russian-Canadian visual artist based in New York. His large scale oil voluptuous paintings are an ostentatious way of revealing addiction and broadness. Ivan’s mostly erotic chunky imagery naturalizes the modern gaze and decriminalizes sex in art. “These portraits are not an attempt to render physical […]

Ellis Marell and The Need to Capture and Keep Provocative Memories

Ellis Marell is an Austrian, Berlin-based portrait and nude photographer. I ran into his work just yesterday, while making my everyday routine on Flickr whilst looking for more inspirational artists to write about. So there I was, mostly attracted by the intimate situations his models pose. His work speaks for […]

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