FRIG is a Romanian project created from the need of artistic experimentation, of a creative exploration that experiences different genres. However, all binds into an invisible, yet present inner flow. In a world choked by imbalance, FRIG proposes a musical universe where the laws of physics and normal, in their battle with the unconventional, find their way.

Vid Nocturn” was released in 2018 and it’s an insufficiently explored realm. The new, in any artistic form, has that mask that can cause fears for those who first experience it. But only there you can find exquisite forms of ignorance in their sincere beauty. With a concept focused on this state of coldness, their music carries this physical sensation indoors. A coldness that becomes a state of wonder and an unexpected but enjoyable discovery. These are exactly those creeps that walks through your mind.

In a stylistic development that implies industrial rock, avant-garde metal and drone, Vid Nocturn” starts with a prime chapter, called ‘Ante Stellar‘. Right from the start, the song comes as a sonorous impulse that aims to create solid connections between the brain’s pulses. The theatrical voice taken from avant-garde movies, seems to add poetry in rhythm and word in the vast instrumental universe. It creates a powerful atmosphere throughout the entire song and you manage to resonate with. ‘Sfere’ is an instrumental composition placed in a post-rock trapped in the bossom of feelings; it is a ballad, a human exploration. It brings you back in the world and it tries you in so many ways. ‘Glacial Tarn‘ has the ability to take you back in the primordial status you’ve initially left. Under the influence of the same interpretative clothes, the song has a dose of aggression and a darker shade. It is, after all, the way it proposes itself into the following composition, ‘minus 0.010°‘. Here everything is clear, there is an eagerness to measure with instruments, with sound, all kinds of unknown spaces, of universes. With heavy influences, you get the impression that some passages return because there are still things to be said.

The story ends its course rather steep, at least this is the first feeling when listening to ‘Pendular Underwaters‘, the material’s last song. Then, I truly understand that by adding the bonus track, ‘Exogenesis‘, the band asks for their well-deserved end. Well, ‘Exogenesis‘ is that final writing that makes you want to read the next chapter, that helps you draw conclusions and summarize everything you just experienced.

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