Frau Fleischer was formed in 2020 during the sanity crisis. Initially consisting of Gabriel Daimon on vocals, Greg Lambert on guitar, and Franz Schultz on electronics, soon after the band released their single/video ‘Fashion,’ Daimon decided to leave the band for another project.

At the moment, Frau Fleischer is a French duo of two hairy guys (Greg and Franz), as they decided to continue the band and work on new tracks. Let’s see what the guys have to say about their album “When the Sun’s Down” and new future plans!

Growing up, was music always a big part of your life? Can you recall your first ever musical experience?

Greg: As long as I can remember there was always music at home. My dad has always been fond of bands with great guitar players like Queen or Pink Floyd for example. But I did not play guitar until I discovered bands like Scorpions & Metallica made me wanna do it on a professional level and dedicated my whole life to the dark arts of music.

So I began to play guitar all day long and began to play with guys who left their musical equipment at my home and that’s how I began to play bass, drums & I did become really interested in all the process of creating music & began to work on songs from start to finish all by myself.

Franz: I have grown up with music, my parent always listen to music at home, in the car, my first job was in the music… And I have always listened to music, all kinds of music.

My first ever musical experience was when I was 14 or 16,  a friend of my mother traveled to Paris and bought me an electric guitar. I tried it but I always was a very bad guitar player because I had no patience to learn it. But I sang and played guitar in several bands for a lot of years. So you can be bad at playing an instrument and still made lots of concerts. (laughing)

What was it that inspired you in putting together the latest track ‘Shining Star’?

Franz: On ‘Shining Star,’ Greg sent me a first version of the music. I worked on it to give the track “the Frau Fleischer touch”.

This song is very special for us coz it’s the very first track with the new lineup after Daimon left. I sent my version to Greg, he played drums on it, and he sent it to me again, I made some corrections and sent it to him.

Greg tried to sing on it and we have decided Greg will be the new singer. We have tested and tried new things and the new identity of Frau Fleischer was born with this track. We are very proud of it and were very happy than ever to work together.

Greg: It is true that we tried a lot of new stuff and a change of vocalist is quite a big deal for any band, but at the same, I’ve got the feeling we delivered with ‘Shining Star’ the natural evolution of the band. we built on what we did on our first album “When the Sun’s Down” and took it a step further.

What are some of the lyrical motifs listeners we’ll find on ‘Shining Star’?

Greg: The lyrics of this track are meant to be very positive and uplifting. It does not matter if you do not fit the norm, you are very special in your very own way and that’s great. We really are on the side of the outsiders being outsiders ourselves. But we don’t want to whine all day, we are more in the mindset of “yeah the world sucks, but we should enjoy our little time on Earth as much as possible”!

How do you know when a track is ready? Does it ever become difficult to either refine ideas down or to stop perfecting?

Franz: Difficult question and difficult answer.

In the past, I think we have lost a lot of time with some very stupid details on our tracks just because the third syllable of the second word of the last sentence was too high than the rest of the other words.

Hey man fuck off, when a track is good, it’s good we don’t care anything about these things. We love perfection but too much perfection kills perfection. But on a more serious note, I think it is always difficult to find a good moment when you have to stop working on a track.

So when we work on new stuff and have some doubt, we ask some of our very near people to listen to it and to give us their feedback our wives, our manager and we listen to their feedback and if we need to change anything, we change it until we think everything is perfect.

Have you always had in mind to sound the way you sound today?

Greg: Franz sums up the whole thing perfectly but today we are more confident than ever so it helps and the atmosphere in the band has never been so chill and it helps too. We know what we want, we know how to do it, we do trust each other and we are more than ready to kick some ass.

How would your latest track, respectively your upcoming album, be serves best?

Franz: I think our sound changes with the events of life, the new meetings (good or bad). “When the sun’s down” was the first part of the adventure of the band. Daimon decides to leave the band, it’s his choice, but life doesn’t stop with his decision. Now we work together, Greg and I, and are very proud of this new sound.

It will continue to change in the future of course, or not but we think it’s a very good start for a project that many people thought dead with the departure of Daimon, but we are alive, take it for granted.

Greg: With this new start we have no boundaries so, who knows how our future songs will sound!? We know we both love guitars and electronic music, but that being said, it opens a lot of new possibilities. We do not want to think we can’t do this or that, we just want to play the music we love and if some people love it as much as we do then it’s all for the best.

I want to ask you about the bands that have been continuous influences for you, but also about new bands and new records that you think are exciting in the metal/industrial scene. What do you look at and say “that’s the future of this scene”?

Franz: I listen to a lot of things in my private life but also in my work (I’m a music venue manager here in France). For the continuous influences, Rammstein (my life), Lindemann, VNV Nation (so great and perfect), Bak XIII but also a lot of different things or lesser-known bands like Portion Boys, Cobrah, Sickbrain, Skynd… I love lots and lots of music. Actually, I answer you and listen to a Madonna remix compilation at the same time.

Greg: Like Franz, I listen to a lot of music and it all depends on my mood. For the continuous influences, I would say bands like Metallica, Meshuggah, Fear Factory, Depeche Mode, Radiohead, or Philip Glass. These days I really enjoy Dua Lipa’s “Future Nostalgia” and I’m answering your questions while listening to Cigarettes After Sex.

Do you have any habits when writing a song?

Franz: In general ideas come to me when I haven’t got my laptop with me or during the night. I try to remember it, take my computer, create a kick, a bass, a first keyboard line and immediately feel if it can be a good thing or shit. If it is good I work on it and send it to Greg, if not, direct to the trash.

Greg: Like Franz, ideas can come even though I’m not with a musical instrument in hand. In that case, I hum it and record it with the voice recorder app on the phone. Then I work on it and when I think it’s good enough I send it to Franz so he can add his magic. The other case is I noodle on the guitar and sometimes something is happening, an idea appears and then the process of working on it and then sending it to Franz is happening again.

An album is considered successful when:

Franz: You can listen to it in one time without skipping tracks (winks)

Greg: What Franz said (laughs)

When you are not busy creating, which other artists do you follow or listen to?

Franz: Like I said before, lots of things from metal to pop, from industrial to french music.

Today my top five is:
Portion Boys
Pet Shop Boys
And Sickbain

Greg: Let me check my Spotify account!

My top 5 for the day is:
Ru Paul
Cigarettes After Sex
The Highwaymen
Animals as Leaders
Four Tet

What do Frau Fleischer’s future

Franz: We will play our first gig with this lineup in August in Nice (France). We will release a new single called ‘Toxic Pathetic Love’ in September with a new video and we are currently working on booking shows for 2023.

And also continuing to develop the band and create a real team of people around us to help the band to grow and grow again.

I have already said to you WE ARE NOT DEAD, WE ARE ALIVE MORE THAN EVER. So stay in touch because we have a lot of things to say again.

“When The Sun’s Down” is many things to many people: a powerful statement for the LGBTQIA+ community, a glamourous look for those seeking to extend their comfort zone, a kinky record for those looking for a sex track, and a proof Frau Fleischer could have a musical career if they want too.

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