When you don’t expect awesomeness, you will find it where you expect the least. And this is how another French metal band got my attention after the first 5 minutes of listening. Oh, French language, one of the sexiest languages in the world incredible how it can be used in lyrics for black metal and it sounds perfect as hell. You should expect the unexpected; this album is sublime and words came into my mind as the music flows on repeat for several times already. Bâ’a is a three-piece black metal group made up of anonymous individuals (early) and ‘Deus Qui Non Mentitur’ is their debut album. It’s no surprise because we know that DeathSpell Omega didn’t reveal their identity as well for a long time. France is a mystery and it should remain like that.
Their stuff it’s somehow a reconnection with the spirit of ‘90s BM yet their stylistic approach tries to be at least partly modern. The vocals are the most charismatic I’ve heard in a while (shame on me I didn’t make the connection with Anorexia Nervosa) adding to Bâ’a‘s balance of the sinister, haunting, hypnotic, and desolate.
I find it impressive because of the ‘speech’ between the harsh vocals; the speech travels back in time and it’s similar to a storyteller speech, but in a grim way and I swear I never heard something like this before. But however powerful the disc in its centerpiece are the songs like ‘Procession’ or ‘Des Profondeurs Je Crie’ impress with progressive guitar playing, clean vocal passages and a rich production.
‘Deus Qui Non Mentitur’ will require time and patience to be totally appreciated, although it does not exceed thirty-six minutes. The 3rd song ‘Procession‘ might be my favourite of the album; the vocals are just right, barely can get out of the agony, a sinister sound which I won’t get out of my mind soon. The album dares therefore very long compositions structured more or less in the same way, always with a violent song body, suddenly interrupted by a break, slow most of the time, but also atmospheric sometimes.
‘Des profondeurs je crie’ starts in a different way, much more dynamical with drumming like thunders, and voice coming down like a pouring rain in a night full of nightmares; breaks right in the middle to impose a background rumble barely disturbed by a guitar with economy in its clear.
All in one êtes-vous prêt pour des trucs étranges et diaboliques?

Miruna Vitriol

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